Justices hear travel ban debate



April 24, 2018 - 11:00 PM

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court is saving one of its biggest cases for last. The justices are hearing arguments today over President Donald Trump’s ban on travelers from several mostly Muslim countries.

It’s the last case the justices will hear until October.

The Trump administration is asking the court to reverse lower court rulings striking down the ban. The policy has been fully in effect since December, but this is the first time the justices are considering whether it violates immigration law or the Constitution.

The court will consider whether the president can indefinitely keep people out of the country based on nationality. It will also look at whether the policy is aimed at excluding Muslims from the United States.

People have been waiting in line for a seat for days, and on Wednesday morning opponents of the ban demonstrated outside the court holding signs that read “No Muslim Ban. Ever.” and “Refugees Welcome,” among other things.

The travel ban is the first Trump policy to undergo a full-blown Supreme Court review.
