Jodie L. Sager, Manhattan, and Matthew Giller, Manhattan, are happy to announce their engagement to be married. The couple will unite in marriage on July 5, 2014, in Manhattan.
Jodie is the daughter of David and Janet Sager, Moran. She is the granddaughter of Vernon and Doris Hopkins, Benton, and the late Marvin and Wilma Sager, Moran.
Matthew is the son of Tom and Mary Kevin Giller. He is the grandson of William and the late Eleanor Stolzer, Manhattan, and Larry and Virginia Giller, Manhattan.
Jodie is a Marmaton Valley High School alum. She received her bachelor’s degree from Kansas State University in communication science and disorders and her master’s degree from Wichita State University in speech language pathology. She is a speech language pathologist at USD 475 Geary County, Junction City.
Matthew graduated from Manhattan High School. He received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business management from Kansas State University. He is a graduate assistant in the Kansas State Athletic Department.