IHS music students earn district honors

Iola High School music students have been named to The Southeast Kansas District Honors Concert for Choir/Orchestra/Band/Jazz Band.



November 20, 2020 - 10:45 AM

Iola students named to district bands and choir include, front row from left, Jesse Taylor, Elaina Stiffler, Kaylin Klubek, Jessica Tidd, Carson Gentry; back row, Kalibre Smith, Payton Houk, Rebekah Coltrane, Keira Fawson. Not pictured, Kendall Glaze. REGISTER/VICKIE MOSS

Iola High School music students have been named to The Southeast Kansas District Honors Concert for Choir/Orchestra/Band/Jazz Band. Students typically perform at Pittsburg State University, but the event has been canceled this year because of the coronavirus. 

Students who were recognized included:

Jesse Taylor, tenor saxophone, District Honor Jazz Band, first chair; District Honor Concert Band, first chair

Elaina Stiffler, District Honor Choir, soprano

Kaylin Klubek, District Honor Orchestra, 9th chair violin

Jessica Tidd, oboe, District Honor Band, first chair

Carson Gentry, trumpet, District Honor Jazz Band, second chair

Kalibre Smith, District Honor Orchestra, 6th chair violin

Payton Houk, District Honor Orchestra, 10th chair violin

Rebekah Coltrane, District Honor Orchestra, 2nd chair violin

Keira Fawson, District Honor Orchestra, 1st chair violin

Kendall Glaze, District Honor Choir, tenor
