The IHS Class of 1969 still holds Iola and the academic benefits they received in this small town, 50 years ago, close to their hearts and are all about showing it. Members of the class came together for a long weekend recently, to not only celebrate their 50 year reunion, but to recognize the Allen Community College for their part in making us who we are. Returning class members spent June 21 through 23 taking a serious trip back to life in 1969. Friday night they gathered at the home of classmate Tom Brigham and wife, Judy, at legendary Concreto for food, fun and memories.
Saturday morning class members gathered for brunch at the Iola Office of classmate, Richard Zahns at 210 N. Washington, which many remember as Quality Packaging Products in 1969, right next door to The Iola Coca Cola Bottling.
From there, they spread out to take a melancholy walk around our famous Iola square, see the bandstand, tour their alma mater and jump on board Iolas own trolley to return to Riverside Park among other memorable spots.
The Saturday evening celebration was a nostalgic return to Allen Community College to once again party like it was 1969. Members of the class, spouses and friends, partied in a tie-dyed venue, enjoyed a delicious dinner prepared by Allen Community Colleges own food service and danced the night away to the 60s sound of THE Flat Earth Band, a true part of Iolas dance and music memories from the late 60s and early 70s. Original band members came back together for this special reunion, including the Class of 69 President Pat Haire and Bill Koltzbach (Humboldt), John Anderson (Mesa, Colo.) Don Sharp, Bill Luttrell and Tom Luttrell (Iola) and Jeff Bertoncino, (Phoenix, Ariz.)
The Class of 1969 recognized the 50th Anniversary of the Allen (County Community Junior) College that opened its campus in January 1970 at 1801 N. Cottonwood. ACC President, John Masterson, was informed of the creation of the IHS Class of 1969 Scholarship to provide an annual opportunity for an Iola High School graduate to continue the learning experience at ACC as did for many graduates of the 1969 class.
Nearly half of the original class of 146 students made it back this year. They came from as far West as California and Connecticut to the East. Ten percent of the 1969 class live in metropolitan areas around the U.S. and nearly 40% live in or near Iola 50 years after graduating.
Class members participating in the weekend celebration included:
John Anderson, Mary Audley Bills, Janet Baker Knavel, Edna Betty Seufert, Paul Boling, Paula Boyd Sutherland, Tom Brigham, Sylvia Chavez Comer, Dan Cochran, Lynn Cochran Hammer, Linda Coltrane Grisier, Noelle Comeau StClair, Barbara Cook Thomas, Barbara Dailey Pogue, Jimmy DeVoe, Rhonda Donovan Fox, Phil Douglas, Linda Dreher Wille, David Eisenbrant, Steve Fontaine, Cheryl Frame Korte, Connie Gumfory Miller, Pat Haire, David Hall, Rhonda Harper Sigg, Mary Henning Scott, Regina Hinde Cochran, Alan Kettle, Sharon Kincheloe Sigg, Mary Kipp Oberg, Gary Lane, Mike Lynn, Linden McCoy Gentry, Marty Michael, Mike Michaelis, Alice Munsen Vink, Rose Munsen, Dan Oswalt, Jim Percy, Francis Peters, Cydney Prothe Willis, Nancy Pulley, Walt Regehr, Ron Roberts, Clayton Robertson, John Rosacker, Debbie Rourk, Tom Saxton, Marcia Sears, Dee Sell, Mike Seymour, Clyde Shetlar, Linda Sicka Brocker, Candy Sifers, Herb Sigg, Jacki Staley, Linda Stotler, Donna Stout Spillman, Marilyn Sutton Sharp, Tom Swanson, Ginger Taylor Gambill, Rhonda Thummel Barnow, John Trembly, John Wall, Clayton Wells, Paula Wells Sell, Cathy Wille Lynch, Mark Wilson, Doug Womack, Mike Wray, Patty Yohon Haen, Richard Zahn.