Marla Wilson gave the program on Character Counts at the June 17 Happy Hearts FCE meeting at Iolas Riverside Park.
When you think of a person who is trustworthy or honest, who comes to mind? Perhaps Abe Lincoln, Wilson suggested, such as the time Lincoln walked for miles to return money to a person who had given him too much change, thus earning him the nickname Honest Abe.
How important is it to be trustworthy? Trust is necessary, she said, if one wants to have a lifelong, rewarding friendship. Trust is necessary for good relationships at work, organizations and with elected officials or other policy-makers.
To be trustworthy, one must be honest. Dont lie, cheat or steal, be reliable, have the courage to do the right thing, build a good reputation and be loyal. Stand by your family, friends and country, Wilson said.
Being trustworthy leads to building a good reputation. It means being strong and having the courage to do what is right. It also means trying new things, even when its hard, or you might fail.
And always, she said, tell the truth.
Members made plans for their booth at the upcoming Allen County Fair. Happy Hearts also is planning a Fun Night in August.
The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Sept. 16 at the park.