Court report – October 17, 2020


October 16, 2020 - 10:42 AM


Judge Daniel Creitz

Civil cases filed:

NewRez LLC vs. James K. Callahan and Lucretia Callahan (deceased), et al, mortgage foreclosure

Carrington Mortgage Services LLC vs. Ambrosia D. Weide (deceased) heirs, et al, mortgage foreclosure

N & B Enterprises Inc. vs. Winona C. ENglish, the Jack G. and WInona E. English Living Trust and Stacey C. Murrell, other contract

Elizabeth R. Bland Cox vs. Shane R. Cox, divorce

Sara Astbury vs. Matthew Astbury, divorce

Bailee J.N. Hosfelt vs. Isaiah R. Arnett, protection from abuse

Elizabeth Hibbs vs. Charles L. Gineste, protection from stalking


Judge Tod Davis

Convicted of no seat belt and fined $30:

Joshua M. Wheeler, Iola

Jason W. Garber, Erie

Trent J. Burton, Iola

Breanna N. Northcutt, Iola

Joshua T. Clements, Chanute

Convicted of speeding:

Gabriel Gonzalez, Tulsa, Okla., 80/65, $183

Steven H. Goldberg, Uniontown, 75/65, $153

Stephanie L. Helm, Paola, 80/65, $183

Damen S. Copp, Lawrence, 75/65, $153

Soya Thao, Madison, Wisc., 80/65, $183

Paul M. Davis, Paola, 75/65, $153

Aaron K. Buehne, Garnett, 75/65, $153

Rita M. Proper, Kansas City, Mo., $178

Barry G. Luthi, Overbrook, 75/65, $153

Nathan A. Bush, Jefferson City, Mo., 75/65, $178

Journee R. Zito, Rogers, Ark., 82/75, $153

Jess S. Tauber, Tulsa, Okla., 86/65, $222

Loren M. Trif, Springfield, Mo., 75/65, $153

Marcus B. Cole, Owasso, Okla., 75/65, $153

Terry B. Curry, Lauderhill, Fla., 75/65, $153

Royce C. Powelson, RIchmond, 75/65, $153

Noah A. Martinez, Lyndon, 75/65, $153

Sharla K. Miller, Iola, 65/55, $153

Jonathan D. Moll, Olathe, 75/65, $178

Sharron R. Serpan, Chanute, 75/65, $153

Wyatt M. Westervelt, Iola, 65/55, $153

Jennifer L. Bolton, Gravois Mills, Mo., 65/55, $178

Tyler W.. Powell, Parsons, 75/65, $153

Khloe M. Utley, Colony, 79/65, $202

Maria D. Diaz Villalobos, Fort Hood, Texas, 82/65 $195

Convicted as follows:

Michael P. Watts, Colony, driving while suspended, $698

Jimmy L. Folk, Iola, no child passenger restraint, $168

Moriah M. Haigler, Humboldt, no seat belt, no headlights, $183

Kandra R. McCullough, Iola, possession of methamphetamine, $838
