Court report – August 29, 2020


August 28, 2020 - 2:47 PM


Judge Daniel Creitz

Civil cases filed:

State of Kansas ex rel DCF vs. Nichole E. Roberts, other domestic

Sarah M. Stone vs. Jessie J. Adams, protection from abuse

Kristen N. Dreher vs. Franklin R. James, protection from abuse

Jack Croghan Sr. vs. Michael R. Croghan, protection from abuse

State of Kansas ex rel DCF vs. Christopher L. Slater, other domestic

Evette S. Riebel vs. Skip R. Riebel, divorce


Judge Tod Davis

Convicted of no seat belt and fined $30:

Benjamin E. Reeder, Humboldt

Mikayla D. McGoldrick, Nevada, Mo.

Maxine R. McGirr, Garnett

Danielle L. Gonzalez, Iola

Melinda S. Wilson, Iola

Joyce M. Haas, Caney

Jessica D. Garber, Iola

Jerod D. Franklin, Iola

Convicted of speeding:

Jeffrey L. Wiedner, Iola, 75/65, $153

Glen E. Sands, Lee’s Summit, Mo., 80/65, $183

Kirstin H. Burns, Chanute, 81/65, $189

Kelsey J. Jackson, Ottawa, 75/65, $153

Mohammed A. Toyib, Dallas, Texas, 75/65, $153

Lucero M. Navarro, Kansas City, Mo., 82/65, $195

Shane A. Lamb, De Soto, 65/55, $153

Sheila D. Evans, Bartlesville, Okla., 75/65, $153

Lillian P. Nielsen, Cedar Falls, Iowa, 83/65, $201

Alexandria E. Wells, Kansas City, Mo., 75/65, $153

Karen C. Clark, Shawnee, 76/65, $159

Joseph H. Wyatt, Ottawa, 75/65, $153

Michael L. Willis Jr., Wichita, 75/65, $153

Garran T. Hodge, Wichita, 75/65, $153

Robert W. Eggert III, Houston, Texas, 75/65, $153

Convicted as follows:

Anthony C. Bottini Jr., Moran, failure to yield, $183
