Judge Patti Boyd
Convicted as follows with fines assessed:
Joshua H. Bishop, Cumberland, Ohio, no driver’s license, 55/25, $425
Richard David, Nevada, Mo., 44/35, $160
Genna L.A. Mitchell, Moran, 41/30, $161
Audrey S. Powe, Colony, 49/40, $155
Tristan W. Stottsberry, Sarahsville, Ohio, no driver’s license, 66/25, $590
Caressa Vaughn, Iola, 34/25, 155
Catherine M. Ventner, Iola, vicious animal, $315
Nicholas G. Wenger, Lebanon, Pa., 50/25, $260
Sam E. Willard, Humboldt, failure to wear seatbelt, $30