Court news

Dispositions from Iola Municipal Court.


December 8, 2023 - 3:11 PM


Judge Patti Boyd

Convicted as follows with fines assessed:

Sheila A. Bolling, Iola, theft, criminal damage, $1,705, diversion

Stacy L. Dietrich, Colony, vicious animal, dangerous animal, $1,765

Tristan E. Fraker, Iola, disorderly conduct, $195, probation

Tasha L. Goddard, Iola, expired tag, $195

George L. Hannum, Iola, violation of restrictions, $315

Sandra R. Hime, Bronson, theft, $515, diversion

Jocelyn B. Miller, Iola, DUI, expired tag, $1,245, diversion

Kayla Perry, Iola, dog running at large, animal nuisance, $375

Jessica R. Porter, Iola, theft, $341.21, probation

Paul M. Porter, Iola, theft, $341.22, probation

Rebecca L. Roloff, Iola, criminal trespass, $315, probation

James Ryherd, Iola, animal nuisance, $195

Tracy L. Schainost, Iola, theft, $315, probation

Nicholas S. Stover, Iola, DUI, no driver’s license, $1,695

Patrick Thomas, Iola, no animal registration, animal nuisance, dog running at large, $255

Michael L. Trewin, Waucoma, Iowa, expired tag, $195

August 11, 2023
July 28, 2023
July 21, 2023
May 2, 2022