Colony news

Colony Christian Church


February 1, 2024 - 2:25 PM

Pastor Chase Riebel’s message Sunday was “The Disciples Remember,” from John 2:13-22 when Jesus cleansed the temple. 

Jesus scattered the money changers’ coins and turned over their tables as He ran them out of the temple because they were making their own profit more important than the people’s offerings. 

Larry Wittmer’s communion meditation “Jesus is Active and Alive” assured us that Jesus is busy working in us, advocating for us, and arranging for His return.  

Rochelle Smart used scripture from Matthew 14:28-31 as she talked about how Peter cried out, “Lord save me,” after he got out of the boat to walk across the water to Jesus. Smart led the worship team of Elka and Mike Billings, Ben Prasko and Anna Riebel as they played 

“I’ll Fly Away,” “Holy Water,” “Oceans” and “The Old Rugged Cross.”

Following the service the women attended a Grace and Wellness discussion with Hannah Thompson to talk about healthy lifestyle options and how to make a safe and environmentally friendly household.      

Sunday services begin at 10:45 a.m.
