Bruce Symes gave the Communion Meditation referencing John 21:15-17. This is where Jesus asks Peter three times if he loves him. While in Israel recently, Bruce had a similar experience. He came to the realization that he loved Jesus, but not with the unconditional love that Jesus loves us. We love the idea of loving God/Jesus with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, but we all fall short. Jesus knows our every thought, our brokenness, our sins, and yet he still loves us unconditionally. God gave his only son, Jesus, because of that love.
Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon titled “The Roadways of Scripture.” Malachi 3:1 tells us that a messenger will be sent to prepare the way of the Savior. Matthew 11:10 tells us that John the Baptist is that messenger. There are three major highways discussed in Matthew. 1. Highway to Hell: This road is big, there are no traffic jams, and it’s popular. 2. The Narrow Road of Life: This one is not so easy and we struggle to stay on it. We must constantly correct our “wheel” to go straight, but we have the map the Bible to help us get where we’re headed. 3. Highway of Holiness: This is an elevated road, and we can reach it at the end of the narrow road, so stay diligent friends, for the enemy is forcefully attacking the Kingdom of Heaven. You can hear this sermon in its entirety at, or by using your favorite podcast app.
Men’s Bible study meets at 7 a.m. every Tuesday. Wednesday night youth group is at 7 pm. Candlelight service is 7 p.m. Dec. 24. Movie night is 6:30 p.m. Dec. 28, doors open at 6. New Year’s meeting at 5 p.m. Jan. 1. No youth group or Bible study on Christmas or New Years Day.