Colony church talks about fatherhood


June 24, 2020 - 9:15 AM

Larry Wittmer gave the Communion Meditation over Psalm 37 at Sunday’s Colony Community Church service. 

This chapter reminds us to trust in the Lord and do good deeds.

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon on fatherhood. God provides examples of how to be strong, and be the leaders he intended us to be. (Ref: Luke 1:18-20 & 63; Proverbs 3:11-12; Ezekiel 22:30; 1 John 2:12-14; 1 Kings 2:2-4; Joel 1:3-4)

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesdays at the church. Women’s Bible study is at 9 a.m.Tuesday at the Cross Roads. Adult Bible study is at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at the Cross Roads.
