Pastor Chase Riebel gave a sermon on The Plumb Line at Sundays Colony Christian Church service, relaying how in John 3:1-18 God told Amos he would use a plumb line to judge how straight the Israelites were hewing to His standard.
During the Communion meditation, Darren McGhee spoke about The Code, by Ron Wilson, who wrote about the Underground Railroad in the 1860s.
Those sympathetic to fleeing slaves used a code focused on quilts they had hung outside. A wagon wheel, for example, told slaves to gather in a crowd. A monkey wrench denoted the need for tools; a bear claw encouraged them to follow a wilderness trail.
To hear Sundays sermon, visit
Mens Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Adult Bible study is at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. The youth group meets at 7 p.m. Wednesday.