Colony church news

Pastor Chase Riebel explores ways of getting caught up in sin in his message "Caught," from John 8:1-11.


April 16, 2024 - 2:57 PM

Pastor Chase Riebel’s message Sunday at Colony Christian Church was “Caught,” was from John 8:1-11. There are several ways to get caught up in sin. We can be deceived into going against God’s word, we can intentionally choose to do wrong or we can allow our heart to become hard.

Lexy Langworthy led the worship service with a reading from Psalm 100.

Mike Billings and Ben and Ethan Prasko led the music with “Lord I Need You,” “God of Wonders,” and “Revelation Song.”

Brandt McGhee gave communion meditation “Spring has Sprung,” using Luke 22:19-20. Spring is a time to recharge as we watch the wonders of God’s creation come back to life and start fresh.  

Sunday services begin at 10:45 a.m.
