Colony church news

Sunday's communion included a meditation titled "The Bus Driver," and guest speaker Eric Spaulding of Hidden Haven Christian Camp in Thayer.


April 8, 2024 - 7:39 PM

At Sunday’s service Howard Reiter gave the communion meditation titled “The Bus Driver,” based on 1 John 4: 7-12.

A group of teenage evangelists traveling in England and Scotland used music as their ministry, unaware that their unbelieving bus driver was equally impacted along the journey.

Eric Spaulding of Hidden Haven Christian Camp in Thayer was the guest speaker. Spaulding said the camp is celebrating its 75th anniversary. The camp gives kids a chance to step away from social media and connect with others in a fun environment.

Brinley McGhee led worship music accompanied by Mike and Elka Billings, Anna Riebel and Petra Billings.
