Colony church asks question: ‘Why worship?’

Guest speaker, John Smith, from OCC gave the sermon on Psalm 97. He asked us, 'Why do you worship God?'


July 20, 2020 - 9:47 AM

COLONY — Howard Reiter gave the Communion meditation, “Do your best and leave the rest,” Sunday at Colony Community Church.

1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 calls us to acknowledge those who are our leaders in the Lord’s work and give us spiritual guidance, Reiter said. We are to show them love and respect, and to live peacefully with each other.

Guest speaker, John Smith, from OCC gave the sermon on Psalm 97. He asked us, “Why do you worship God?” Is it because your family goes to church? For prestige? Or because you think you’ll receive blessings? 

We should worship God because He deserves it, Smith said. 
