Colony Church

Noah Gordon gave the Communion Meditation, “Love is a Verb." Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “It is Finished!” over 6 Nehemiah.


April 2, 2021 - 10:04 AM

Noah Gordon gave the Communion Meditation, “Love is a Verb.” We have a day to celebrate love each year, Valentine’s Day, where people spend billions of dollars on candy, jewelry, cards, eating out, etc. But why do we just have one day to show our love? Love is an action, it’s not a thought or a feeling. We can’t just say “I love you” without backing it up. Scripture commands that we love God and love one another. It’s a choice. A conscious decision we make, and must act on every day. (Ref: 1 John 4:9-11 and Matthew 26:26-28)

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “It is Finished!” over 6 Nehemiah. You must take care to to: 1. Avoid distractions, 2. Maintain  character, and 3. Be strong and courageous. Nehemiah worked on the walls of Jerusalem with even greater determination, not letting the opposers distract him. Bad company can corrupt even those with the best character, but whenever our faith is tested, we should consider it pure joy as it helps our endurance grow. We must continue working for the will of God with enthusiasm to gain the Kingdom ground. 

So don’t listen to those trying to deceive you to go against God. Say no to temptation! And know when to say “No!” and be strong and courageous enough to say it. 

Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and don’t run from opposition when you’re doing God’s work. What the cross represents, doesn’t run. We shouldn’t run either.

(Ref: Nehemiah 6; Ecclesiastes 7; James 1:2-3; John 19:30) 

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