Colony Church

Darren McGhee gave the communion meditation on leadership. Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “Make Your Move” over 2 Nehemiah.


March 5, 2021 - 1:12 PM

Darren McGhee gave the communion meditation on leadership. Nehemiah chose to leave the king’s service and return home to help rebuild Jerusalem. The people rebuilt the walls and gates of the city, and it only took them 52 days. When you pray to God and ask him, “Lord, where do you want me to lead?” be ready to accept his answer. He has a purpose for each of us. Recognize God as the sovereign leader of the universe, rely on him and let him be your strength.

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “Make Your Move” over Nehemiah 2. We looked at four ideas with this passage: 1. Timing, 2. Preparation, 3: Evaluation/Inspection, 4. Implementation/Communication. 

We need to be sure to wait on God and recognize that his timing is perfect. It’s not always our timing, so we should pray for patience. 

When the king asked Nehemiah how he could help, Nehemiah had already been speaking to God and knew what he would need in order to travel back to Jerusalem to rebuild. He also anticipated any road blocks that might hinder his progress, and had a plan to work around them. 

Identify the strengths and weaknesses, and prioritize and allocate any resources that you may need. Then communicate your plan to others and implement it. God specifically called Nehemiah for this project, and Nehemiah answered that call. Are you ready? 

You can hear this an all of our sermons using a podcast app, on our Facebook page, or on our website at (Ref: Nehemiah 2; Hebrews 4:16 & 6:12; Isaiah 6:1-3 & 49:8-12; Ezekiel 39:25-27; 2 Chronicles 6; Matthew 5:13-15)
