Colony Church


February 25, 2021 - 10:25 AM

Larry Wittmer gave the Communion Meditation over Isaiah 53.  This passage contains a prophesy written 700 years before the birth of Jesus. God had every detail planned out. We aren’t here by accident. God is 100% all-knowing. 

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon “A.C.T.,” referencing Nehemiah 1. Nehemiah was a Jew in exile, who worked his way up to become the King of Susa’s cup bearer. When his brother, Hanani, visited and explained about the state of Judah, Nehemiah was deeply moved; he prayed, and turned it over to God.

A. Acknowledge Reality. C. Confess Sin. T. Take it to the Lord in Prayer.

Hanani acknowledged reality and told Nehemiah the truth of Judah. The nation was a disgrace to God. They didn’t take God seriously, and the surrounding nations didn’t take Judah seriously. 

Nehemiah stood up He confessed and took responsibility for his sins and the sins of Judah. He prayed to God about this situation, and we should follow his example. 

Never jump into action without praying to God and then waiting for his answer. 

You can hear this an all of our sermons using a podcast app, on our Facebook page, or on our website at   

(Ref: Nehemiah 1; James 4:17; Mathew 6:9-13; Micah 2:12-13)

April 2, 2021
March 18, 2021
March 11, 2021
March 5, 2021