Colony Church

Darren McGhee gave the Communion Meditation about life after lockdown. Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon on “Building for Eternity.”


January 22, 2021 - 12:02 PM

Darren McGhee gave the Communion Meditation about life after lockdown. 

In 2020, Covid-19 had a profound impact on our lives, but were you content with your life even before the lockdown? Did you feel that your life had purpose? What did you miss, or not miss during the lockdown?

During this unwelcome pandemic, identify your core values: attitude, actions, belliefs, etc. What will you prioritize in this next season? Family, work, friends, faith, church, community. 

Re-write the script to your life. Be humble and open yourself to what God has stripped away. Anchor yourself to him for what comes next. 

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon on “Building for Eternity.” Matthew 16:18 says that Jesus will build his church and nothing will not conquer it.

The way that we are to help Jesus build th church is to: 1.) Embrace your identity, 2.) Honor God by the way we live, 3.) Reveal his goodness to others. 

Jesus is the cornerstone of the church and we are his people. We are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. To honor him, we should seek wisdom from others who put Jesus as their cornerstone. 

We are called not to follow the world. We must change the way that we think and live our lives, and remain faithful to his teachings. Then we must reveal God’s light, and his hope and mercy to others and show them the salvation we have received. 

Hear this and all our sermons using your favorite podcast, on our Facebook page, or on our website at (Ref: Matthew 16:18; 1 Peter 1:13-16 & 2:4-10; John 8:58; Romans 12:1-2)

July 30, 2021
June 4, 2021
March 11, 2020
December 10, 2019