Colony Church


December 2, 2020 - 9:40 AM

Randy Riebel gave the communion meditation about giving thanks. What were you thankful for this Thanksgiving? To have been born or raised in the USA, having a home, a loving family, a job, being retired, a wonderful church family? Shouldn’t we be most thankful for our Heavenly Father? He is the creator of everything. He gave his life for us, accepts and forgives us. (Ref: Matthew 26:26-28)

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon, “Eagerly Waiting for Christmas.” Philippians 3:20 reminds us that we are citizens of Heaven and we are eagerly waiting for Jesus’ return. 

There is a desire inside of each of us, a need to be fulfilled. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they brought God’s curse down on all creation. Jesus came down to break that curse. And now we are eagerly waiting for his return, to destroy wickedness in this world. And while we wait, we must be content with God’s timing and his purpose. 

Three things that we should do while we wait include: 1. Offer a pleasing sacrifice to God; 2. Be busy warning the world about God’s coming judgment; 3. Put our hope in the Word of the Lord. The sacrifice we offer should be ourselves, a living and holy sacrifice. Let God transform you by changing the way you think, to have a servant’s heart and to not follow the ways of the world. And just like there was only way for Noah to enter the ark, we must remember that there is only ONE way to Heaven, and that is to put all of our faith, trust and hope in Jesus. At just the right time, the Word became human and made his home among us. And at just the right time, he will come back for us so we can make our final home with him. Let’s be ready! (Ref: Philippians 3:20; Ecclesiastes 1:9; Genesis 3:15 & 6:22; Isaiah 11:1-4; Galatians 4:4-5; Romans 12:1-2; 2 Peter 2:5; Psalm 130:5-6; John 1:14) You can listen to this sermon in it’s entirety using your favorite podcast, on our Facebook page, or thru our website at
