Today-Lions Club, United Methodist Church basement, 7 p.m.; 5-Recycle trailer on Cherry St. front of City Hall area Friday morning, leaves Tuesday; Tuesday-County bus to Garnett, phone 24 hours before you need a ride, 785-448-4410 any weekday; Community Church Missionary meeting, Church Annex, 1:30 p.m.; United Methodist Women, United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, 7 p.m.; Oct. 10-Rural Water District No. 5 board meeting, Board Office, 8 p.m.; Fire Dept. meeting, Fire Station, 7 p.m.
School calendar
Friday-volleyball and football at Jayhawk Linn, 5 p.m., FFA Tailgate, 5 p.m.; middle school kiddie cheer clinic; Saturday-high school volleyball tournament, 8 a.m.; middle school team volleyball at Three Rivers League at Southeast Cherokee; Monday-Oct. 24: FFA fruit and meat sales; Monday-Crest School Board meets at board office, 7 p.m.; Tuesday-eighth grade and juniors to Fort Scott, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; high school volleyball at Southeast Cherokee, 5 p.m.; Oct. 10-PSAT for juniors.
Meal site
Meals are served Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the Colony City Hall Community Room at noon. Phone 620-852-3457 for meal reservations. Cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance. Suggested meal donation, $3.50.
Christian Church
Ethan Prasko gave the Communion meditation for youth Sunday. He read 1 Corinthians 11:23-29, reminding us communion is also a time for self-reflection. Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon over the fourth week of the Believe series, The Inspired Word of God, and asked How do I know God and his will for my life?
Mens Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. A meal and prayer time is at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by the youth Believe study at 7. (Kids are welcome to come to the church at 4:30.)
Our Believe small groups are up and running with four groups to choose from. Books are available for purchase at the church. Groups are on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
The youth group will have a garage sale during the citywide garage sales Friday and Saturday. If you have items to donate, please bring them to the church. A mens work day at the church is also Saturday. The church potluck breakfast is at 9:30 a.m. Sunday and Working Wonders will meet on at 7 p.m. Monday.
Cowboy Church
Sunday High Point Cowboy Church welcomed Scott Coon, Texarkana, Ark., speaking at the 9 a.m. service, Mr. Coon used Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:7. Pastor Leo and Kathy Ramsey led the book study following the morning service.
Oct. 13-Church Work Day, 9 a.m.; 14-Church Anniversary and Fellowship (Celebrating 107 years); Marsha Sue Mitchell, ministering; Service: 9 a.m. Sunday school, 10 a.m.-Worship service; Wednesday 10 and 14, 6:30 p.m.-Mid-Week Service.
Scripture presented Sunday at the United Methodist Church service was Psalm 124: 1-8, Esther 7: 1-6, 8-10, 9: 20-22, James 5: 13-20, and Mark 9: 38-50. Due to the absence of minister Dorothy Welch, Austin Hendrix presented the sermon.
City Council
Colony City Council members were told Sept. 26 that an auditor recommends the city raise water and sewer rates. Studies suggest the water fund will be empty within a year if rates are not adjusted.
City Attorney Jesse Randall will prepare resolutions raising the water to $20 for the first 1,000 gallons used and $6.50 per each addition 1,000 gallons. Sewer rates will be $34 for the first 1,000 gallons and $6.50 for each additional 1,000 gallons used monthly in January through March.
Superintendent Tim Dietrich informed the council of different options he found on mowers.
Members agreed to purchase a 72-inch Country Clipper mower from Heck Small Engine Repair for $9,143.28. Final price was $9,000 with an additional $57 for additional three blades.
A citizen voiced concern over people speeding down the streets, and speed limit signs were being ignored.
Council members urged her to call the sheriff because the city marshal works parttime.
Mayor Melissa Hobbs discussed a complaint the city received on junk cars. If one person was going to be cited for nuisance vehicles, should all un-tagged cars be cited?
Council members asked the city marshal to compile a list of vehicles in question.
Hobbs also discussed unrestrained children on golf carts.
Tim Dietrich submitted a building permit for the addition of a porch, which was approved.
A citizen questioned why he was singled out to receive a nuisance complaint on his property. (Because a citizen filed a complaint against him, Council members responded.)
The October meeting will be Oct. 24 because of Halloween.
Around town
Sympathy is expressed to Jeneal and Steve Bain at the loss of her father, Lt. Col. James Scott Maddox, 88, Salt Lake City, Utah. Sympathy also goes to his grandchildren Cody and Marla Bain and great-grandchildren Denton Ramsey and Nicole Bain.
There was no funeral service; Scott chose to donate his body to the University of Utah Body Donor Program. A family gathering will be held at a later date. Scott and family lived near Colony some years ago and he was a member of the Colony Lions Club and School Board member for Crest USD 479.