Sept. 25-Fire Department meeting, Fire Station, 7 p.m.; City Council meeting, City Hall Community Room, 7 p.m.; 27-29-Kincaid Fair
School calendar
Friday-high school football at Crest vs. St. Paul, 7 p.m. (Homecoming); Tuesday-high school volleyball at St. Paul, 4:30 p.m.; Sept. 26-Early Release Day, 3:05 p.m. K-5; 3:10 .m.-grades 6-12; 27-middle school volleyball at Crest vs. Uniontown, 5 p.m.; middle school football at Crest vs. Uniontown, 6 p.m.
Meal site
Friday-chili, coleslaw, crackers, cinnamon roll; Monday-turkey sandwich, potato salad, salad mix, hamburger bun, pineapple; Sept. 26-live music-Vision cards accepted; beef stew, cottage cheese, bread or biscuit, ambrosia salad.
There will not be any more meal menus provided beforehand because the company that has been preparing them is quitting at the end of September.
Christian Church
Larry Wittmer gave the Communion Meditation on John 3 at the Sunday service. He said we must be born again and believe in Jesus to have eternal life. Charlie Towne gave a sermon on personally knowing God (the second week in the Believe series). He said to believe in God because he is holy, powerful and just. No matter what issues we may have, all we need to do is look into the sky and see the vastness of the universe to know there is a God, and to believe Psalm 8:4 what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?
Mens Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Meal and prayer time is at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, followed by youth Believe study at 7 oclock. Kids are welcome at 4:30 onward.
The Believe small groups are up and running with four groups to choose from. Groups are held on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Thursday will be the middle school hang out at the Community Church prior to the ballgames from 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Christian Church History
An interesting look back in time to September 1995 when the Colony Christian Church celebrated its 100th birthday:
The organization of the Colony Christian Church started in January 1884 by Dr. and Mrs. Metcalf. Lessons were held in homes and in 1892 property was secured for a church building for $1,100. Later in 1920 a basement was dug under the church. In the 1950s the restrooms and entry were added.
The building has been remodeled and reconstructed several times; rooms have been added, plumbing, electricity, air conditioning and comfortable chairs that can be rearranged are in the sanctuary.
Cowboy Church
Terri Louk took the lead Sunday at High Point Cowboy Church in praise and worship accompanied by the band. Leo Ramsey welcomed all present and gave the announcements before apostle Jon Petty spoke about not being conformed to the world, but being transformed into Gods likeness; then, dont allow your past to dictate your future. Romans 12:2 and Colossians 1:13, He can take you out of darkness into the light.
Following the message, the study group met and continued their discussion of the book, God is Good by Bill Johnson. Scott Coon, Texarkana, Ark., will be guest minister Sept. 30. Everyone is welcome to come to any and all of the High Point services.
Scripture presented Sept. 16 at the United Methodist Church service was Psalm 19:1-14, Proverbs 1: 20-33, James 3: 1-12, Mark 8: 27-38 and Acts 4: 32-37, 6: 1-7. Pastor Dorothy Welch presented the sermon, Being the People of God.
The September United Methodist Women Challenge is Caring and Sharing with College Students.
Fall citywide yard and garage sales
The annual fall city-wide yard and garage sales are Oct. 5-6.
To be on the list and map, call 620-852-3321.
Trash bags
Parent Teachers Organization sellers are busy again this year.
Friday is the last day they can be ordered.
Several items were covered at the Sept. 10 Crest USD 489 Board of Education meeting.
Superintendent of Schools Shane Walter reported the Open House held on Aug. 27 was a success and thanked all involved. Professional development was Aug. 21-23 with presentations from Buddy Welch from Central Heights and Mark Dodge from Greenbush.
Walter also reviewed preliminary student enrollment numbers.
Leo Ramsey presented information about van and bus inventory and discussed replacements.
Walter led the board on a facilities tour, while board members discussed the districts strategic plan regarding facilities and operation.
Board members approve the purchase of a lawn mower for up to $11,000.
Walter reviewed the recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security visit Aug. 28.
Fire Department
Colony Fire Department participated in swift water training Saturday at a low-head dam near Garnett. A paramedic from the hospital was there as well.
An updated list of local emergency personnel:
J. D. Mersman, Emergency Management; Mick Brinkmeyer, Rural Fire Director; Fire Chief Eric Seabolt, Assistant Fire Chief Paul Stephens; EMTs-Jim Atzbach, Matt Bowen, Paula Decker, Jeremy Ellington, Eric Seabol, Mike Steedley, Paul Stephens, Tim Dietrich and Ashleen Seabolt; First Responder-Randy Runnels; Swift Water Rescue-Garry Decker, Paula Decker, Randy Runnels, KEWade Seabolt, Paul Stephens, Luke Decker, Thomas Dietrich, Eric Seabolt and Jerry Jones;
Dive Team-Paula Decker, Thomas Dietrich, Eric Seabolt, Paul Stephens, Luke Decker, KeWade Seabolt and Jerry Jones;
Firefighters-Jim Atzbach, Matt Bowen, Garry Decker, Luke Decker, Paula Decker, Thomas Dietrich, Tim Dietrich, Jeremy Ellington, Jerry Jones, Randy Runnels, Eric Seabolt, Ashleen Seabolt, KEWade Seabolt, Mike Steedley, Paul Stephens and Richard Webber; treasurer and Training Officer-Garry Decker; Secretary-Paula Decker.
Vice President Butch Lytle led the Sept. 5 meeting. Five guests were introduced: Zone Chairman David Branton, Sue and Steve Michaels, Marla Bain and daughter Nicole. Eight members answered roll call.
Branton introduced himself and thanked the club for volunteering the screening at the Anderson County Fair. He emphasized that a Zone Chairs main responsibilities are to communicate and offer assistance.
He noted the Colony Lions Club is not incorporated but could be.
The Zone Social will be on Nov. 3 in Garnett. This is the 80th year for the Garnett Lions Club. He also reminded everyone that Sight Week is Oct. 7-13.
There are five sight screening devices in the state.
These devices require $500 worth of maintenance each year. The members agreed to make a donation.
Branton also reminded everyone the Kincaid Fair is Sept. 27-29.
Bain received permission to set out the sign for the citywide garage sales Oct. 5 and 6.
Lytle reported on the tablet raffle and the breakfast receipts.
Lytle asked about getting the memorial plaques on the light poles refurbished. He also mentioned he had picked up three bags of aluminum cans from Colony Day.
Next meeting is tonight.
Around town
Congratulations to Beth Davis, Colony GSSB teller. She won two tickets at the drawing to the Midwest Mayhem Bull and Riding event.