City Slickers installs new officers


November 21, 2019 - 10:18 AM

City Slickers 4-H members are, front row from left, Rohan Springer, Angelia Ledford, Rowan Grisier, Moira Springer, Thatcher Mueller and Ty Shaughnessy; second row, club leader Robbie Grisier, Lindsey Moore, Brody Nemecek, Kyser Nemecek, Carly Dreher, Leah Mueller and Hallie Sutherland. COURTESY PHOTO

The regular monthly meeting of the City Slickers 4-H Club was called to order Nov. 10 at the Riverside Park Community Building by president Carly Dreher.

Robbie Grisier installed the new officers: Carly Dreher, president; Leah Mueller, vice president; Kyser Nemecek, secretary; Hallie Sutherland, treasurer; Rohan Springer, reporter; Lindsey Moore and Angie Ledford, historians; Brody Nemecek, Thatcher Mueller and Carson Keller, recreation directors; Moira Springer, songleader; and Ty Shaughnessy, parliamentarian.  

Thatcher Mueller and Rohan Springer led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance and the 4-H Pledge. Moira Springer led everyone in singing “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” 

Club members answered roll call by saying their favorite candy. Sixteen club members, one community leader, and one guest were present. Parliamentary procedure was led by Ty Shaughnessy on the Division of the House. 

During the new business portion of the meeting, a decision to order new shirts was referred to committee. It was decided to adopt two children for Christmas this year and to have a secret gift exchange of no more than $5 of your favorite snack or candy. It was discussed to sign up for project talks, snacks, committees, ringing of the bell, and such for each of the monthly meetings. 

Everyone was reminded to sign back up for 4-H. Brody Nemecek and Thatcher Mueller led the club in a game of freeze tag.

The next monthly meeting will take place at 4 p.m. Dec. 8 at the Riverside Park Community Building. Children ages 5 to 18 and their families are encouraged to visit and/or join the club. If there are questions regarding the City Slickers  4-H Club, please call Southwind 4-H District 620-365-2242.

-Rohan Springer, reporter
