The monthly meeting of the City Slickers 4-H Club was called to order by President Carly Dreher on March 14 at the Riverside Park Community Building, which was the first time having an in-person meeting for several months.
Roll call was answered with the question “What are your Spring Break plans,” with 17 members, 1 community leader, one new member and one guest answering.
The flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Thatcher Mueller and Shelby Shaughnessy. Moira Springer led the club in singing “Rain, Rain, Go Away” and “It’s Raining, It’s Pouring.” Kyser Nemecek read the secretary’s report from February’s meeting and Thatcher Mueller gave the treasurer’s report. Leah Mueller reported back to the club from the 4-H council meeting with information on the fair schedule, a park entrance sign, a request for fair theme ideas and areas at the fairgrounds that need improvement.
Club members discussed theme ideas for the Allen County Fair and also pitched ideas for improvements around the fairgrounds. Community leader, Robbie Grisier, read the final draft of the Constitution and Bylaws, which Thatcher Mueller made a motion to approve.
Grisier reminded the club of upcoming events. Walk Kansas starts March 28. Family Consumer Science judging will take place on April 3 online. Due dates for local scholarships are approaching for graduating seniors.
For recreation, Ty Shaughnessy, Rowan and Bryer Grisier presented a straw blow dart Q-tip shoot. Club members enjoyed competing by shooting Q-tips out of their straws into a bowl.
Ty Shaughnessy presented a project talk about hunting and safety rules that need to be followed when hunting.
The meeting was adjourned by stating the 4-H motto, “To make the best, better.”
The next meeting will be 4 p.m. on April 11, at Riverside Park Community Building with Kyser Nemecek and Isacc Hopkins presenting the program.