Larry Wittmer gave the Communion Meditation, Traveling with Gratitude. When we travel, many children and even adults start bickering, get crabby and are impatient. An attitude of gratitude doesnt come easy. The Israelites grumbled all the way to the Promised Land. The prodigal son was a selfish, greedy jerk. And the 10 lepers that Jesus healed? Well, only one of them thanked him. When we are at our worst, God is still there, raining blessings down on us.
Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon on Jesus the King: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. There are many prophecies about the first and second coming of Jesus in the Bible. But no one knows when the end times will come, not the angels, and not even the Son. The disciples asked for a sign. Jesus told them that when it comes, you will know. We should have a last days mentality. To live as people that are confident their King is coming back. And we should work at building his kingdom. So be diligent and keep watch. Worship the Lord everywhere and teach Gods ways to others. Battle the sins that control you and get peace by turning them over to the Lord.
Mens Bible study is at 7 every Tuesday morning. Wednesday night youth group at the church at 7, and adult Bible study is at the parsonage at 7. The parsonage will be open from 4 to 6 p.m., Saturday to serve hot cocoa and cookies before the city Christmas parade.