Church: Barnabas offers encouragement example


August 5, 2019 - 9:59 AM

COLONY — Bruce Symes gave the Communion meditation at Colony Christian Church Sunday, asking if one notices how prevalent sin is.

We are all born with a nature to sin, Symes said, but it can get better with help. This help includes prayer and meeting with fellow church members — fellow sinners. Ref: Romans 6:1-14.

Pastor Chase Riebel gave the sermon on how “Barnabas models a life of encouragement.” Barnabas means “son of encouragement.”

Barnabas stood beside Saul/Paul when God called him to a life of service, Riebel said. He stood up to the apostles when they were afraid of Saul not realizing that he had been converted. He then stood beside John Mark when Paul didn’t want to take John Mark along with them to speak to the churches. Barnabas also stood beside and encouraged the local churches. The Jews were concerned about the Gentiles being preached to. Barnabas was always encouraging others to be true to God and his teachings.

Men’s Bible study is at 7 a.m. Tuesday. Adult book study is at 6:30 p.m.,Tuesday.

The church-sponsored cookout and school supply giveaway is at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday at the church. The community is invited.
