Carlyle Presbyterian Church news

Steve Traw's sermon focused on the Holy Spirit during Sunday's service.


May 23, 2024 - 12:53 PM

Steve Traw’s sermon Sunday at Carlyle’s Presbyterian Church was “The Spirit of Truth,” from the Scripture John 16:4-15.

Where is the Holy Spirit? Does it guide us? We are the Holy Spirit’s helpers to glorify Christ and witness his works. We are his hands and feet in the world around us.

Winn Collier, an Episcopal priest, wrote, “The church — and our shared work in the world — isn’t defined by what we can do. We’re entirely dependent on what only the Spirit can do. This allows us to be both bold and restful. On this day — the day we celebrate Pentecost — may we wait for the Spirit and respond.”

Myrna Wildschuetz accompanied singing and Rita Sanders played special music on the piano.

Bible Study continues on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. on ll Timothy, chapter 3.
