Carlyle news

The Carlyle Presbyterian Church.


February 1, 2024 - 2:10 PM

David Loomis filled in for Pastor Steve Traw Sunday. His message was titled, “The Way Home.” Scripture readings included John 14:6 and Joshua 24:15, describing the path to follow Jesus in all circumstances and how to change your ways to save your soul. To follow God, you may have to give up things. But, you will always receive more than you have given through God’s grace.

Rita Sanders’ prelude was “My Cup Runneth Over.” She also presented the offertory piece, “Peace Like a River.” There were 29 people in attendance. Sanders also provided special music, “September Song.”

Special time was spent on the joys and concerns for the people in the church as well as the community. Silent prayer followed and concluded with “The Lord’s Prayer.”

There will be a Thrive Allen County community conversation at the adjoining Fellowship Hall on Feb. 6. The members and the public are welcome to attend.

September 15, 2021
November 1, 2019
October 18, 2019
August 9, 2019