Carlyle News



January 13, 2020 - 9:44 AM

Joanne McIntyre Register file photo

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

Pastor Steve Traw discussed “His Return,” taken from Revelation 19, as part of the Jan. 5 church service.

In heaven a great celebration is in progress, Traw said.

Pianist Myrna Wildschuetz played “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” and “Born Again.” The Rev. Tom Bevard played guitar and sang “In 1955.”

Joseph Traw, Pastor Traw’s grandson, celebrated his birthday Wednesday.

Pastor Traw leads Bible study on the book of John at 3 p.m. Tuesdays.


Around town

June Odell hosted the Carlyle Ladies Country Club at her home.

Attending were Pauli Hawk, Joanne McIntyre, Rita Sanders, Leanne Brixey, Alice Dowell, Sharon Grisier, Phyllis Loomis, Naomi Chambers and Jeanice Cress.

Grisier will host the February meeting.

