Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Rita Sanders opened a special music program Oct. 26 by introduced the Christian Strings, a nine-member group comprised of ladies from three churches and four communities.
The group performed a number of old-time gospel and secular favorites. They ended the program with Amazing Grace.
Rita closed the service with prayer. Refreshments followed in Fellowship Hall.
Paster Steve Traws message Sunday was The Scroll Diversion, taken from Revelation, Chapter 10.
Pianist Myrna Wildschuetz played He Loves Me With a Cross for the prelude and Rita Sanders played The Lords Prayer for the offertory.
Mary Ann Ritter and Virginia Warren celebrated their birthdays Wednesday.
Former member Phyllis Bradshaw, Walnut, and her daughter, Carlene Cogliati, Calif., were special visitors. Also visiting were Teresa Weatherbie, her daughter-in-law and the sister of the daughter-in-law.
Bible Study with Pastor Traw on the book of John will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday.