Carlyle Presbyterian Church
On Oct. 6, Pastor Steve Traws message was The 144,000 taken from Revelation Chapter 7. This refers to the 144,000 Jewish males who will be sealed with Gods seal. These men (12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Israel) are protected from the Antichrist during the Tribulation.
Pianist, Myrna Wildschuetz played The Blood that Stained the Old Rugged Cross for the prelude and Rita Sanders played Rejoice in the Lord for the offertory.
David Loomis celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, Oct. 9.
Assisting Pastor Steve with Communion were David Loomis, Merrill Hodgden, Glen Herschberger and Virginia Warren.
Bible Study with Pastor Steve on the book of John will be Tuesdays at 3 pm.
Carlyle Ladies Country Club
The Carlyle Ladies Country Club met in the Carlyle Fellowship Hall with hostess, Naomi Chambers.
Members present were Naomi Chambers, Jeanice Cress, Pauli Hawk, Joanne McIntyre, Joyce Sneed, Cheryl Klingensmith, Alice Dowell, Myrna Wildschuetz, June ODell, Pat Heinz, Pat Shields and guests Leanne Brixey and Maynard Cress.
For her program, Naomi introduced Donna Regehr. Donna, in her own words, said she had been arting again, this time with resin. A display of her latest arting crafts included clocks made from old 33 1/3 and 45 rpm record albums, a side table, and other various themed paintings on barn wood and canvas. Donna explained the differences between a direct pour, dirty pour, Dutch pour and a slide pour.
Pauli Hawk won the door prize.
Pat Shields will host the November meeting.
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