Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Pastor Steve Traws message at the Aug. 25 service at Carlyle Presbyterian Church was Lukewarm at Laodicea taken from Revelation 3:14-22. This was the eighth (and final) in a series of messages taken from Revelation; letters written to the seven churches located in the region of modern-day Turkey. The letter was written to the church in Laodicea; Christs warning to them was they were lukewarm and would be spewed out. This warning was clear to them because they dealt with lukewarm water supply issues every day.
Pianist, Myrna Wildschuetz played The Lighthouse for the prelude and organist, Rita Sanders played He Touched Me for the offertory.
Linda Guenther celebrated her birthday on Monday. In honor of her birthday, Richard Klingensmith sang The Old Gray Mare, She Aint What She Used to Be.
Gary and Beverly Hawk celebrated their wedding anniversary Sunday.
Bible Study with Pastor Steve on the book of John will be at 3 p.m. Tuesdays.