Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Pastor Steve Traws message Sunday was on Seeking Finding, taken from Psalm 84.
Myrna Wildschuetz played Peace in the Midst of the Storm for the prelude and Further Along for the offertory.
Andy Wildschuetz celebrated his birthday on Thursday.
Rev. Tom Bevard sang Precious Lord, Take My Hand accompanied by Myrna Wildschuetz on piano.
Bible study with Pastor Traw on Acts is at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Around town
The Harmony Ladies Club met Monday at Pizza Hut for a meeting and lunch. Dixie Bunch was hostess and served refreshments to Joanne McIntyre, Jan Powell and Jean Prothe.
Visiting Joanne McIntyre and Jim Hinson from Gridley were Joannes granddaughter Ashton Birk and great-grandson Jaxen Birk.