Carlyle News



November 23, 2018 - 10:13 AM

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday, “Saying Thanks,” was taken from Psalm 36:5-12.

Patty Herschberger celebrated her birthday Thursday. On Tuesday, Ron and Rosie Stranghoner celebrated their wedding anniversary.

Myrna Wildschuetz played  “All Because of God’s Amazing Grace” for the prelude and Rita Sanders played “King’s March” for the offertory.

Special music: The Rev. Tom Bevard sang “Room at the Cross for You.” Rita Sanders played a piano solo “It Is Well with My Soul.”

The church fellowship dinner followed the morning worship services.

Pastor Traw leads Bible study at 3 p.m. Tuesdays on Acts, Chapter 13.

Around town

David and Phyllis Loomis spent a few days in Indianapolis for the birth of Declan Zebedee Der  to Lisa and Justin Der.  Zeb was born Sunday, weighing 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 21 inches long.  His siblings are Nathaniel, 12, Elias, 10, Levi, 9, Hudson, 7, Johanna, 6, Caleb, 5, Esme’, 4, and Elena, 2.

