Carlyle Presbyterian Church
Pastor Steve Traws message Sunday was on The Size of a Miracle, taken from John 9:1-11.
Myrna Wildschuetz played Thanks to Calvary for the prelude and No Never Alone for the offertory.
Celebrating birthdays were Travis Smith Thursday and Phyllis Loomis today. Don and Ella Britt and Glen and Patty Herschberger celebrated their respective wedding anniversaries Sunday. Melvin and Linda Guenthers anniversary was Wednesday.
Mason, grandson of the Herschbergers, played a piano solo.
Pastor Traw leads Bible study on Acts, Chapter 28, at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Around town
Phyllis Loomis hosted a Carlyle Ladies Country Club meeting.
The program consisted of a discussion on manners we learned as children. Manners fit into two categories: dont draw attention to yourself; and think of the comfort of others.
For example, Phyllis shared a story about Queen Victoria in the 19th century, who drank from her finger bowl so an African chieftain would avoid embarrassment.
Myrna Wildschuetz won the hostess gift. Others attending were Naomi Chambers, Jeanice Cress, Sharon Grisier, Pat Heinz, June ODell, Alice Dowell, Joanne McIntyre and Rita Sanders.
Jeanice will host the April meeting.