Carlyle news — June 22



June 21, 2019 - 4:21 PM

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

Sixty-nine worshipers heard Pastor Steve Traw’s Father’s Day message Sunday, “Escaping the Storm” taken from the 1 Samuel 17:41-50.    

Guest pianist, Glen Cunningham played “What a Friend We have in Jesus” for the prelude and “He Leadeth Me” for the offertory.

The following fathers were recognized: Calvin Lay, 93, the oldest father; Travis Smith as the youngest father, and tied at 12 children each for the most children were Merrill Hodgden and Glen Cunningham.

Kathryn Alice Traw, Pastor Traw’s granddaughter, who has recently returned from Beirut, Lebanon,  gave an update on her studies at the University of Beirut and her mission work through His Heart Foundation. For more information see

Celebrating her birthday Tuesday was Kay Compton. David and Phyllis Loomis celebrated their wedding anniversary Thursday. Glen and Betty Cunningham will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on  June 30.

Special music was a violin/piano instrumental “Above All” by the Cunninghams (Glen, Elizabeth and Rebecca).

The church fried chicken fellowship dinner followed the morning service.

Bible Study with Pastor Traw on the book of Ephesians will be at 3 p.m. Tuesday.

Around town

Visiting recently with Jim Hinson and Joanne McIntyre were Jim’s sister-in-law, Margaret Wille, Olpe, and his nephew, Francis Wille, Albuquerque, N.M.

Joanne McIntyre and Bruce and Judy Cochran visited with Joanne’s nieces, Monte Lee, Oswego, Susan Scoville, Topeka, Kathy Perry, Marysville. They all attended the annual McIntyre/Thompson reunion at the Humboldt Senior Citizens Center Sunday.
