Carlyle news — July 6



July 5, 2019 - 2:56 PM

Carlyle Presbyterian Church

Pastor Steve Traw’s message Sunday was “Focus on the Risen Lord” taken from Revelation 1.    

Pianist Rita Sanders played “Down to the River to Pray” for the prelude and “Happy Day” for the offertory.

A meet-and-greet at 1 p.m. Aug. 17 at the Carlyle Fellowship Hall for anyone who ever attended school in Carlyle. Coffee and tea will be served. For more information, call Linda Guenther at 365-5338.

Assisting Pastor Traw with communion were David Loomis, Merrill Hodgden, Glen Herschberger and Virginia Warren.

Bible study with Pastor Traw on the book of Ephesians is at 3 p.m. Tuesdays.

Around town

Greg and Jackie McIntyre hosted  a 4th of July  covered dish supper at their home east of Carlyle. Attending were Zack, Kady, Zoey and Kline McIntyre, rural Yates Center, Brandon, Ashton and Jaxen Birk, Gridley,  Jack and Beverly Franklin, Joanne McIntyre and Jim Hinson, Iola. Celebrating  their birthdays with cake and ice cream were Zack, Kline and Jack.

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