Carlyle church news

Sermon discusses the trinity — God, the son, and the Holy Spirit


February 19, 2024 - 3:08 PM

Steve Traw was welcomed back to the pulpit Sunday. His sermon was “Living with Our Eternal God” using Psalm 90:1-12. Understanding the trinity — God, the son, and the Holy Spirit — as three in one is difficult to fathom. In Genesis 21, Abraham called God everlasting; He never changes and is omnipresent through all things and time. Each day is accountable to God. How can you best spend your days to glorify God?

Thirty-four attended the service and welcomed a new member. Our joys and concerns were shared. It is nice to be known as a praying church. Prayer is the focus of James 5:13-18. James encourages both individual prayer and community prayer. “A man stands tallest when he’s on his knees.”

Pianist Myrna Wildschuetz’s lively prelude was titled “Awakening Chorus.” Song leader Richard Klingensmith led the congregation in several other songs. Bible study resumes Tuesday at the fellowship hall. The lesson is an Introduction to the Pastoral Epistles.

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