Presbyterian Church
Pastor Steve Traws Mothers Day message Sunday was If You Had Known My Mother, taken from 2 Timothy 1-18.
Myrna Wildschuetz played It Could Happen in a Moment for the prelude. Bruce Sanders played Old Time Religion/Swing Low Sweet Chariot on the piano for the special music.
Beverly Hawk celebrated her birthday Wednesday. Paul Hernandez will celebrate his 90th birthday June 22. Correspondence may be sent to him at 2037 Yale Dr., Levelland, TX 79336.
Mothers honored were Evelyn Lay, oldest mother present, Sarah Noah, youngest mother present, and Debi Smail for being the mother with the most children.
The church fellowship dinner is at noon Sunday.
Bible study with Pastor Traw on the book of Galatians is at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
Country Club
The Carlyle Ladies Country Club met in the Carlyle Fellowship Hall with hostess Rita Sanders.
For her program, she read three jokes: How to bathe a cat, as recommended by the family dog; Should children witness childbirth, and What is it like to be a Christian. Rita also gave a brief history of Carlyle as recorded in the book, A Pictorial History of Allen County, 1855-1991 she had checked out from the Iola Public Library.
Pat Heinz won the hostess gift.
Pauli Hawk will host the June meeting.
Attending were Naomi Chambers, Jeanice Cress, Pauli Hawk, Pat Heinz, Joanne McIntyre, Rita Sanders, Joyce Sneed and Cheryl Klingensmith.