[Birth] Augustus Gross



December 29, 2017 - 12:00 AM

Proud parents Austin and Moriah Gross of Onida, S.D., are happy to announce the birth of their son, Augustus Austin Gross.
He was born on Dec. 16, 2017, at Avera St. Mary’s Hospital in Pierre, S.D., and is the couple’s first child. Gus weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 20 inches long.
Grandparents include Alan and Angie (Stewart) Gross, Spearfish, S.D.; Rick and Rita (Aikins) Berntsen, Iola; and Darrell Wagner, Mankato. Great-grandparents are Van Stewart and Terese Swenson, Onida, S.D.

April 1, 2018
March 9, 2018
January 19, 2015
June 18, 2013