The monthly meeting of the Square B 4-H Club was held Oct. 10, at Iola’s Riverside Park.
President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Henry Kramer and Bryce Culbertson. Roll call was answered by “What is your favorite vegetable?” Song leader Kira Culbertson led the club in singing “Happy Birthday” to those born in October. Recreation leader Cassie Hecks led the group on the playground equipment. Eight members, two leaders and four parents attended.
Secretary Carly Kramer read the communications letter received by the Kiwanis Club. They are looking for volunteers to help ring the bell for the Salvation Army. Members voted to help with the effort. Square B also will host a bake sale at Walmart the same day. Members will take turns ringing bells and working the bake sale.
For the program, club leader Kelli Kramer led the club with the installation of officers for 2022-23. She compared the officers’ duties to the ingredients in making cookies; and by working together, the club will make great cookies. (She also brought a plate of cookies for club members to enjoy.)
Former club leaders led a small ceremony. President Kelli Kramer, the new leader, received a certificate and notebook.
The next club meeting will be at the Extension office Nov. 14. The Meiwes family will bring snacks.
Roll call is “What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?” The program will feature Parents Night.