Square B gathers

For the program, each Square B member spoke about their experience, exhibits, placings and favorite parts of the 2022 Allen County Fair.


Around Town

August 18, 2022 - 3:45 PM

Square B 4-H Club hosted its monthly meeting Aug. 8 at the K-State Extension Office in Iola.

President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Cassie Hicks. Roll call was answered by “What’s your favorite NFL team?”

Song leader Aidan Martin led the group in singing and dancing to “The Hokey Pokey.” For recreation, leader Cassie Hooks led the group in a game of Toss the T-shirt. Five members, one leader and three parents attended.

For the program, each Square B member spoke about their experience, exhibits, placings and favorite parts of the 2022 Allen County Fair. Leader Becky Meiwes informed the group she will be stepping down as leader when the new 4-H year starts.

Vice President Mary Brown announced the next Square B meeting will be Sept. 12. The Hicks family will bring snacks. Roll call will be “What is the heaviest animal you have?”

Cassie Hicks moved to adjourn the meeting and Mary Brown seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned.

— Katelyn Hicks, reporter
