The monthly meeting of the Square B 4-H Club was held at 7 p.m. March 13 at KSU Extension Office in Iola. President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Henry Kramer and Cassie Hicks. Roll call was answered by “name, age, projects, hobbies.” There was no song or recreation. The club had three guests: Matsa, Wiley and Jack. There were five members, two leaders and three parents present.
Square B secretary Carley Kramer read the minutes from the last meeting. Treasurer Henry Kramer gave the treasurer’s report. Reporter Katelyn Hicks did not have a report. For the program, Henry Kramer gave a demonstration about how to fold towels using different ways to fold them.
Announcements were that the next club meeting will be April 10 at the KSU Extension Office. The Kramer family is to bring snacks. The Kramer family is in charge of the program.
Henry Kramer moved to adjourn the meeting and Cassie Hicks seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned.
— Katelyn Hicks