Square B 4-H talks holidays

The next club meeting will be Jan. 9 at the Extension office.

Around Town

December 30, 2022 - 1:24 PM

Abigail Meiwes, standing, speaks at the Dec. 12 Square B 4-H Club meeting. COURTESY PHOTO

The monthly meeting of the Square B 4-H Club was held Dec. 12 at the Kansas State University Extension office in Iola.

President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Henry Kramer and Cassie Hicks. Roll call was answered by “What do you want for Christmas?” The club sang “Happy Birthday” to Cassie Hicks.

Recreation was a game of table toss. There were five members, two leaders, three parents and four guests present.

Secretary Carly Kramer read the minutes from the previous meeting. Henry Kramer gave his treasurer’s report. During new business, the club voted to volunteer to help hang wreaths at the Fort Scott National Cemetery. Members then discussed 4-H day and what the club could do as a project.

The next club meeting will be Jan. 9 at the Extension office. The 4-H skate party was canceled but there was a 4-H bowling party Dec. 29 at the Erie Bowling Alley.

— Katelyn Hicks, reporter
