Square B 4-H Club plans for the fair

Announcements were that the next club meeting will be July 11 at Riverside Park.


Around Town

June 29, 2022 - 4:08 PM

The monthly meeting of the Square B 4-H Club was held at 7 p.m. on June 20 at Riverside Park in Iola. 

President Abigail Meiwes called the meeting to order. Flag salute and 4-H pledge were led by Henry Kramer and Cassie Hicks. Roll call was answered by what is your favorite snow cone flavor. Recreation leader Cassie Hicks led the group in playing on the rides at the park. There were six members, two leaders, two parents and one guest present.

For the program, Abigail Meiwes talked about her experience at the Favorite Foods Show. Carly Kramer talked about her trip to “Be a Champ Camp.” For new business, the club discussed going to the meat judging seminars and the upcoming meat judging contest. They also discussed new T-shirts for the Square B members, the Friends of 4-H picnic and Square B’s responsibilities at the picnic. Square B is to bring coleslaw for the meal. Leaders Becky Meiwes told members to try not to use peanut butter in the recipes for the fair due to the peanut butter recall and reminded everyone that fair entries are due by July 1.

Announcements were that the next club meeting will be July 11 at Riverside Park. Mary Brown is to give a talk. The Brown/Martin families are to bring snacks. Kimber Culbertson moved to adjourn the meeting and Cassie Hicks seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned. 
