Seekers Not Slackers learn about Ireland

The next meeting will be at 7 p.m. on April 18, at the Lone Elm Community Building.


Around Town

April 11, 2022 - 3:16 PM

Gunner Ellington helps Aubrey Ellington give a presentation on Ireland.

Seekers Not Slackers 4-H club was called to order on March 21, at the Lone Elm Community Building. Roll call was “What did you do over Spring Break?” That was answered by 27 members and two leaders.  

For recreation, the club played Simon Says. 

Leaders reminded members that the last day to add/drop projects is May 1.

The program was given by Aubrey Ellington, who gave an illustrated speech on her Irish  Catholic heritage. She taught club members about St. Patrick, castles, the symbolic meaning of shamrocks, and that most of the population in Ireland are redheads.  
