Seekers-Not-Slackers 4-H seeks Fair Board superintendents

The Anderson County Fair needs superintendents, Seekers-Not-Slackers 4-H members learned at the club's April 18 meeting.

Around Town

May 2, 2022 - 4:19 PM

Blaine King demonstrates at the April 18 Seekers-Not-Slackers 4-H Club meeting an easy marshmallow treat recipe using leftover Easter candy. Courtesy photo

The monthly meeting of the Seekers-Not-Slackers 4-H Club was  called to order Monday, April 18, at the Lone Elm Community Room. 

Roll call was “Name a food you dislike,” which was answered by 22 members and two leaders.

Pledges were led by McKayla Powell, Aubrey Ellington and Molly Thompson. 

There was no old business. In new business, members discussed ordering new club T-shirts to wear during the county fair. Members also voted to have a themed “Take-me-out-to-the -Ballgame/Tailgate”  potluck cookout at the May meeting. Members are to dress up in their favorite sports team attire/team colors, and bring their favorite food to share. 

Leader Karen Gillespie reminded members about small animal weigh-in and tagging. Leader Denise King told the club the fair board is looking for superintendents, both adults and youth, to help with fair entries in July. For more information, contact the Anderson County Extension office. The “Let’s Taco-Bout Our volunteers” 4-H taco supper will be in May.  This event will show off the new pink rose memorial garden in honor of Tammy Egidy.

The program was given by Owen Thompson, who talked about record keeping and how to keep the treasurer’s  record book organized. 

Blaine King gave a demonstrative talk on how to make “Peepza”  dessert using marshmallow rabbits left over from Easter.

After enjoying his cooking project, club members played corn hole for recreation.

The next meeting will be Monday, May 23, a change in the regular schedule due to eighth grade promotion.

— Blaine King, 

