The rescheduled February meeting of the Allen County Area Retired School Personnel was held on Wednesday, March 2, in the Mary Ellen Stadler room at ACC.
President John Sheehan conducted the meeting and introduced Melissa Stiffler who presented pictures and information about the Iola High School Career, and Technical Education program located at LaHarpe. She described the various programs of study available for students, of which there are many. The pictures showed students actively engaged in their different projects. The plan is to add Auto Mechanics this fall. The idea of making people’s lives better is to offer them something to do that they love. Melissa gave an excellent program outlining the path to make that happen.
During the meeting, members were reminded to turn in their volunteer hours at the next meeting. The hours spent helping adults should be counted separately from the hours spent with children and children activities.
The next meeting will be on April 6 at the college. All members and any retired school personnel are invited to attend.