The annual exchange meeting of the Prairie Rose 4-H Club and the Seekers Not Slackers Club of Anderson County was held on Monday, March 17.
Sophia Heim presented a project talk about her rocketry project.
Roll call was: Where is your dream vacation?
The fundraising committee announced that butter braid packets and orders are due Friday. Community leaders read the results from Regional 4-H Days.
In new business, a motion was made and passed to sponsor fair awards. Additionally, a motion was made and passed to make a donation to the Welch family.
Recreation was a scavenger hunt by the Seekers Not Slackers Club.
The next meeting will be Sunday, April 6, at the Moran United Methodist Church at 4 p.m. Members will meet before the meeting at 3:30 p.m. to make May Day cards for family and friends.
— Junior Reporter Harper Gabbert